This Week’s Classifieds, May 6, 2009


SERVING EITHER Rib Steak or Prime Rib every Monday 6 pm – 9 pm. $10.95. Knotty Pine, 402-386-5488, Petersburg, NE.  1tfc



Now Hiring: Full time position available for a Farm Mechanic. Niewohner Bros. Feedlot, Elgin, NE. Call 402-843-5671.                   20tfc

HELP WANTED: Personnel to work with livestock; must have experience in checking, treating, processing and moving cattle. Competitive wages and benefits. 402-843-5671.            28tfn

HEAD COOK at Elgin Community Center. Pick up application or send resume to: PO Box 12, Elgin, NE 68636  28tfc

STEEL STEED Steakhouse and Saloon is now hiring summer help. Bartenders, cooks and waitresses. Apply within. 402-843-2167.              27tfc

The Antelope County Farm Service Agency (FSA) located in Neligh, NE, has an opening for a temporary intermittent field employee.  An application may be obtained by contacting the FSA Office at (402) 887-4176 or stopping by any FSA Office.  Mail completed applications to Antelope County FSA, Attn: Ryan Coleman CED, 1105 S Street, Neligh, NE 68756. Applications must be postmarked or received in the FSA office by close of business on May 22, 2009.  FSA is an Equal Opportunity Employer.                                 30c

FULLTIME MANAGER/BOOKKEEPER at the Elgin Community Center. Experience in accounting, Microsoft Excel, payroll, email, and QuickBooks. Pick up application or send resume to: PO Box 12, Elgin, NE 68636  28tfc

HELP WANTED:  Looking for a bartender for Friday & Saturday nights. Call 485-2525 or apply at L Bar B & ask for Francis.            29tfc

HELP WANTED:  Experienced feedlot and farm help needed.  CDL required.  Call Oak Creek Ranch at 402-843-2451.      29tfn

Water Resources Manager The Upper Elkhorn Natural Resources District is accepting applications for a Water Resources Manager. Bachelor degree in natural sciences/resources, agricultural, hydrology, geology or agricultural/biological systems engineering is preferred. The starting salary range is $38,000-$48,000 based on experience plus benefits. Applications will be taken until May 29, 2009. The UENRD is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Contact the Upper Elkhorn NRD for job application and full job description at 301 N. Harrison, O’Neill NE  68763 or download from For additional information please contact the District at (402) 336-3867.   30-32c


Garage Sale: 405 Beech St, Elgin, May 8-9, Multi-Family, baby things, toddler bed, toys, children’s clothes, men’s slacks, entertainment centers, plastic tree pots, car tires, pickup toolboxes, ramps, blue rock thrower and clays,  bunk bed mattresses, tv, household items, formal gowns, never been worn wedding dress, table centerpieces, grill, much, much more!            30c


FOR SALE: Brome hay, 16 large round bales. A few alfalfa bales also. Call 843-5936, leave a message.              27tfn

FOR SALE: 10 HP Murray riding lawn mower. ’06 Model but only used once! $700. Call 843-8488.                    30c


WANTED: Lawns to mow and other odd jobs for the summer.  Call Jordan Engle at 843-2361.                    29-33c

WANTED: WILL take appliances, metal items, batteries and old vehicles. Drop off or call for pickup Jerry Finkral, Elgin, 402-750-5206.             1tmc


BATON TWIRLING LESSONS: For pre-k through (those going into) 8th Grade. 10 week summer session. Call Becki Schindler at 843-8730.            30-31p

KIPP’S WINDOW Cleaning, Elgin, will do commercial, residential and industrial window cleaning. Very reasonable rates, references available.  Ask us about our Spring Specials on window and screen cleaning for you!  402-953-0579.            22tfnt

PASSPORT PHOTOS: Official U.S. and foreign passport and Visa photos available here. Available in under ten minutes. $10 for two images. The Elgin Review, 116 South 2nd St, Elgin NE. 402-843-5500.  1tfn

CALL US for fresh flowers, plants, balloon bouquets. Will deliver to Elgin. Flower Corner, 402-887-4441 or 1-800-590-2384.  1tfc

UPS SHIPPING: Jerry’s Feed Service, Elgin, ships UPS packages Monday thru Friday. Full UPS services.     1tc       



FOR RENT: Hard grass pasture for 40 pairs. On the Niobrara, northern Rock County. 402-760-0935.            30p

FOR RENT: “U” store units – 12’x22’, $45/month; 11’x12’, $30 per month. Call 402-843-2319.                                      1tfc

FOR RENT: Two-bedroom apartment at Village Homes Apartments, Clearwater. Rental assistance available. Call 402-485-2343.  1tfc

FOR RENT: Smith’s Storage buildings, Elgin. Clean, dry and secure. Sizes 8’ x 16’ and up to 12’ x 24’. Prices start at $28/month. Contact Lee or Marie Smith. 402-843-2391.            1tfc



A belated “Thank You” to the Elgin Chamber/Community Club for hosting the annual Easter Egg Hunt and to Great Plains Communications for donating my winning basket.    

Luke Walsh

Thanks to family, relatives and friends for all the beautiful cards, flowers and gifts for our 60th anniversary.  Also, for the cards that Lawrence received after his recent surgery.

Lawrence & Reola Pelster

I would like to thank the Elgin EMTs and firemen for their quick response. Also thank you to the doctors, nurses, and staff at the Antelope Memorial Hospital & the Golden Living Center, Fr. Andrews, relatives and friends for all the visits, cards & calls received.

Ray Reestman

We would like to thank everyone who helped with post prom to make it a success.  We especially want to thank the businesses for your generous donations.  We know that you are asked a lot, and we truly appreciate all you do for our youth and our community.  
Lastly, thanks to the kids, who were very well-behaved and appreciative of our efforts.  Most of all, thanks for being there and having a great time!  That’s what made it all worthwhile!

Elgin Public Post Prom Parents

Thank you so much for the cards and nice party and gift on my 75th birthday.  It was greatly appreciated.

LaVern Stuhr

The family of Ruth Ollendick would like to say “Thank You” to the Huffman-Levander Funeral Home, Father Andrews, St. Boniface Choir and Altar Society for preparing the luncheon and all whom donated food and helped in any way.