Supervisors to Meet Sept. 13

The Antelope County Board of Supervisors will meet Tuesday, Sept. 13.

Here is their agenda:

Open meeting/roll call by Chairman or Vice Chairman

State that the open meetings information is posted on the east wall with additional copies available at the Clerk’s office

8:00 AM Claims

9:30 AM Nebraska Machinery Dave Praeuner /purchase V plow

9:45 AM Public hearing conditional use permit/Roger Hauf

9:55 AM Public hearing conditional use permit/Mark Cooper

10:05 AM Public hearing amend the zoning regulations for set backs for ag use/ Carpenter – postponed until the Planning Commission has a recommendation

10:15 AM Village of Orchard/discussion of law enforcement contract

10:30 AM Dump truck bids tabled from the September 9, 2011 meeting

10:45 AM Old Mill Bridge/discussion and decision regarding what to do with the bridge

Federal Aid Route Project #ER2605(4) resolution

Hiring a full time employee for the Clearwater barn

Clerk of the district court August fee report

Sheriff’s August fee report

Miscellaneous fee report

Treasurers fund balance report


Antelope County Treasurer Sandy Knapp/distress warrants and delinquent tax list

Approval of the August 2, 9 and 26, 2011 regular board minutes

Sign resolution transferring $10463.53 Insurance Premium from Road and Bridge to the General Fund