Q125 Celebration Update

Members of the ElginQ125 steering committee met Monday, March 5 at Boomerang’s to continue work planning the town’s big upcoming celebration.
The group agreed on a campaign to purchase new strteet banners advertising the celebration dates as well as the advertising of local businesses. In addition, the need to purchase American flags that would hang from the town’s utility poles was also discussed.
A Tea Luncheon Q125 Fundraiser will be held Saturday, April 28 at the Elgin Community Center. Articles and ads will follow with further details. Details of another Q125 fundriaiser sponsored by the E.K.G. was presented and added to the calendar. On Saturday, June 16, EKG will host a Bullarama brought to you by McKay Rodeos with a street dance to follow.
The agenda for the next meeting to be the scheduling the events compiled from the Q125 organizational meeting.