Proceedings — Elgin City Council

Special Meeting Proceedings
April 11, 2017
The Elgin City Council met for a special meeting on Tuesday, April 11, 2017 at the Elgin City Hall.  Notice of said meeting had been posted at three places, namely, U.S. Post Office, Dean’s Market and the Elgin City Hall, as prescribed by law.
Purpose of the said meeting was to discuss paving of streets, repairs to streets and shade structure mounts.
Mayor Schmitt called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. and announced the location of the Open Meeting Act.
Councilmen present were Don Mackel, Mike Dvorak, Jim Kittelson and Duane Miller.
Also present was City Engineer John Zwingman and City Clerk Vicki S. Miller.
City Engineer Zwingman met with the Council to discuss paving districts and funding available.
Elgin doesn’t qualify for any CDBG funds because of the failure to have a 100% of the income surveys returned and the high income level in Elgin.
Following discussion the Council decided to table any action on street paving for a couple of years.
Discussion was held on the location of the new well house and the location of the generator.
Mr. Zwingman will handle the necessary easement.
The approved a motion to install three flush mount ground sleeves in the pool deck at the cost of $718.30.
Approved a bid from B & S Concrete to cut and replace concrete at 5th and Elm Street, the alley behind Jerry’s Feed and Maple Street by the alley behind Jerry’s Feed, in the amount of $7,850.00.
Approved a building permit for Ron Beckman.
There being no further business to come before the Elgin City Council, Mayor Schmitt declared the meeting adjourned.   The meeting ended at 5:55 p.m.
A complete and accurate copy is available for public inspection at the City Office, during normal business hours.
Mayor Mike Schmitt
City Clerk Vicki S. Miller
PUBLISH: April 19, 2017