Proceedings – Antelope County Board of Supervisors


Neligh, Nebraska

June 28, 2011

Notice of meeting published as required by statute.

A complete record of these minutes as well as all resolutions and agreements are on file at the County Clerk’s office and are open to the public.

Those responding to roll call: Bolling, Brandt, Kerkman, Baker, Williby, Henery and Schwager.

Approved the following claims for payment.  We, the Committee on Claims, report that we have examined and approved for payment the following claims:

GENERAL FUND: Amera-Chem, ex, 68.45; Antelope Memorial Hospital, ex, 100.00; Bear Graphics, ex, 542.69; Bomgaars, ex, 80.95; Char Carpenter, ex, 142.97; Cornhusker State Industries, ex, 270.00; Cubby’s, ex, 123.89; Dollar General, ex, 22.00; Eakes Office Plus, ex, 232.69; Elite Office Products, ex, 4505.38; Gas Rite, ex, 1831.92; Carolyn Glaser, mlg, 56.10; Lyle Hart, ex, 200.00; Jack’s Uniforms, ex, 88.89; Jonny Dodge, ex, 2000.00; Lancaster Co Sheriff, ex, 40.86; Willetta Lindsay, ex, 198.00; Madison Co Sheriff, ex, 1450.00; MIPS, ex, 31.28; Nebr Health & Human Ser, ex, 93.00; Nebr Supreme Court, ex, 181.50; Neligh News & Leader, ex, 1156.00; NE Research & Extension Ctr, ex, 1322.50; NIRMA, ins, 49,348.00; Phyllis Perdew, mlg, 20.40; Pitney Bowes, ex, 2000.00; Quill, ex, 208.85; Ramada Inn, ex, 140.00; Reliable Office, ex, 301.85; Robinson Textiles, ex, 121.50; Safe N Secure, ex, 1485.99; Randy Smeal, ex, 250.00; Source Gas, ut, 63.81; TeleBeep, ex, 259.95; Madison Co UNL Extension, ex, 10.00; UNL IS Communications, ex, 12.95; UNL IS Computer Sales, ex, 671.90; Verizon, ex, 177.20; Vibe Wireless, ex, 145.31; VISA, ex, 67.24; Zee Medical, ex, 7.95; Antelope Dist Court Clerk, petty cash, 64.00

ROAD & BRIDGE FUND: (Brunswick Area) Bomgaars, ex, 266.70; Fastenal, ex, 166.26 (Orchard Area) Source Gas, ut, 87.09 (Clearwater Area) Clearwater Village, ut, 52.00 (Neligh Area) Bomgaars, ex, 60.10; Willow Creek Sand & Gravel, ex, 1440.00 (Tilden Area) Black Hills Energy, ut, 127.57; Bomgaars, ex, 72.57; Tilden City, ut, 74.35; Matteo Sand & Gravel, ex, 99.36 (Oakdale Area) Bomgaars, ex, 9.00; Matteo Sand & Gravel, ex, 640.02; Nebr Public Power, ut, 33.47 (Elgin Area) Bomgaars, ex, 15.05 (At Large) B’s Enterprises, ex, 1449.10; Antelope Co Court, ex, 771.00; Bomgaars, ex, 329.98; WK Hughes, ex, 2450.00; Eli Jacob, ex, 125.00; JEO Consulting, ex, 24,701.75; Kayton Int’l, ex, 3700.00; Matteo Sand & Gravel, ex, 516.13; Midwest Service, ex, 1737.20; Newman Traffic Signs, ex, 517.00; NIRMA, ins, 70,883.00; Norfolk Works, ex, 64.00; Rose Equip, ex, 79.18; Willow Creek Sand & Gravel, ex, 621.00; Wysocki Paint & Body, ex, 689.00  RE, APPRAISAL: Dollar General, ex, 12.00; Heather McWhorter, ex, 53.22; Quill Corp, ex, 23.93  VETERANS AID: Co Veterans Ser Officer, ex, 1500.00  WEED CONTROL: Cubby’s, ex, 621.45; Chuck Thiemann, ex, 50.00; Source Gas, ut, 38.00; OK Tire Store, ex, 1090.65; Bruce Ofe, ex, 40.76; NIRMA, ins, 4851.00; Creston Fertilizer, ex, 2763.40; Bomgaars, ex, 184.15; Big Red Motorsprots, ex, 14.95

Authorized the County Clerk to sign the permit to place underground power to the Pierson Museum sign at the Highway 14/20 junction.

Authorized the County Clerk to sign the permit for the Pierson Museum sign.

Discussed entering into an agreement with the City of Neligh regarding the Old Mill Bridge.

Approved remaining with the Region 11 Emergency Management Agency.

Received a storm assessment report from Deputy Emergency Management Director Lyle Juracek.

Reviewed correspondence.

Approved the permit to place an electric line beneath 523 Avenue Eden Township.

Approved items for the safety kits.

Appointed Vince Sauser to the Veterans Service Committee.

Discussed the Appeara billings.

Authorized the County Clerk to advertise for dump truck bids.

Discussed replacing two bridges in the Brunswick area with culverts.

Meeting adjourned.

Antelope County Board of Supervisors

Jerald Schwager /s/

Chairman of County Board

Attest: Carolyn Pedersen

/s/ Antelope County Clerk

Publish: July 6, 2011