Proceedings — Elgin City Council

December 2, 2013
The Elgin City Council met in regular session on Monday, December 2, 2013, at 7:30 p.m., pursuant to posted notice. Mayor Schmitt called the meeting to order, and announced the location of the Open Meeting Act. Council members present were Don Mackel, Kenny Jochum, Shirley Nissen and Jim Kittelson.
A complete and accurate copy of the minutes is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the City Clerk’s office.
The following agenda items were approved:
November regular meeting minutes, treasurer’s report, transaction report, and paying the claims.
GENERAL: ERPPD, se, 88.74; Great Plains Communications, se, 55.18; Fitzgerald, Vetter & Temple, se, 405.76; Jeannette Meis, se, 75.00; Prudential, retirement, 565.55; USTreasury, tax, 2292.90; APPEARA, su, 35.95; Eakes Office Plus, su, 15.49; Elgin Review, se, 127.83; Dean’s Market, su, 23.49; Source Gas, se, 121.46; Bank of ; Elgin, ins, 1800.00; Bank of Elgin, loan, 500.00; US Post Office, su, 3.12; Allied Ins, Bond, 100.00; Central Valley Ag, su, 5.00; Duane Miller, se, 20.00; EMC Life Ins, ins, 499.00; Elgin Appliance & More, rprs, 174.99– Payroll, 1609.37
SALES TAX: To General; $2828.45
STREET: ERPPD, se, 1528.26; Elgin One Stop, su, 130.65; Verizonwireless, su, 15.77; Bank of Elgin, loan, 875.05; Source Gas, se, 43.80; The Station, su, 405.85; ; Corner Service, su, 7.25; Central Valley Ag, su, 281.18; Kayton International, rent, 1188.00; Barco, su, 1430.01; ACES, se, 1144.20; Dean’s Market, su, 16.64; Payroll, 1053.69
WATER: ERPPD, se, 546.58; NE Dept of Revenue, tax, 2568.37; Verizonwireless, su, 15.78; Great Plains Communications, se, 90.80; US Post Office, su, 61.42 –NE Public Health Lab, se, 69.00; One Call Concepts Inc, se, 4.28; ACES, se, 750.00; Jacob Hansen Account, return, 100.00; Payroll, 2107.41
SEWER: ERPPD, se, 688.24; NE Department of Revenue, tax, 645.64; Great Plains Communications, se, 46.02; Dean’s Market, su, 1.50; One Call Concepts Inc, se, 4.27; Midwest Labs, se, 151.00; Central Valley Ag, su, 22.62; DEQ, loan, 3488.09; Elliott Equipment, su, 358.00; Payroll, 802.18
FIRE: ERPPD, se, 250.93; Great Plains Communications, se, 52.21; APPEARA, su, 35.94; Source Gas, se, 176.17; Bank of Elgin, loan, 1846.71
POLICE: Antelope Co Sheriff, se, 2600.00
TRASH PICKUP/RECYCLING: Bud’s Sanitary Service, se, 4849.00; Betty Moser, rent, 100.00
POOL: ERPPD, se, 28.09; Source Gas, se, 24.76
PARK: ERPPD, se, 742.81; Central Valley Ag, su, 8.99; Dept of Revenue, tax, 200.52; Payroll, 251.52
LIBRARY: ERPPD, se, 62.75; Source Gas, se, 60.60; Amazon, bks, 235.12; Great Plains Communication, se, 55.63; Good Housekeeping, bk, 7.77; Center Point Large Print, bks, 84.00; Payroll, 908.78
City Attorney sending a letter inform date items will be removed from City property
Declared Kittelson property a public nuisance
Adjourned regular meeting and opened the reorganizational meeting at 7:45 p.m.
Kenny Jochum as President of the Council
Resolution 2013-7, setting appointments and committees for 2014
Installing a culvert at the Paul Pelster property
Proceeding with the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund paperwork
Building permit for Elgin Area Development Corp.
Further investigation into becoming a Tree City
Certifying John A. Zwingman as Street Superintendent for 2013
Purchasing six (6) new picnic tables
Purchasing four (4) new benches for the downtown area
Transfer of savings account to general police fund
Discussions were held:
Possible location of test well
Drafting agreement to dig a test well and possible purchase of site
Sheriff’s report for November
Removal of gravel off of armor coated streets
City equipment to be stored inside during the winter
Recycling trailer storage
Storage Unit on city sidewalk
2012; 2013 Audit report
Next regular meeting will be held on Monday, January 6, 2014
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
PUBLISH: December 11, 2013