Proceedings — Elgin City Council

June 3, 2013
The Elgin City Council met in regular session on Monday,  June 3, 2013, at 7:30 p.m., pursuant to posted notice.  Mayor Schmitt called the meeting to order, and announced the location of the Open Meeting Act.  Council members present were Shirley Nissen, Don Mackel, Jim Kittelson and Kenny Jochum.
A complete and accurate copy of the minutes is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the City Clerk’s office.
The following agenda items were approved:
• May regular meeting minutes, special meeting minutes, treasurer’s report, transaction report, and paying the claims
GENERAL: ERPPD, se, 88.54; Great Plains Communications, se, 53.84; Fitzgerald,  Vetter & Temple, se, 389.59; Jeannette Meis, se, 75.00; Prudential, retirement, 552.44; USTreasury, tax, 2259.78; Dean’s Market, su, 10.19; APPEARA,  su, 26.42; Eakes Office Plus, su, 66.92; Tyco Integrated Security, su, 639.00; NNEDD, dues, 819.64; Core Development, dues, 200.00; Elgin Review, prmt, 67.27; Elgin Insurance Services, ins, 15, 181.00;  Bank of Elgin, ins, 1436.42; Bank of Elgin,  loan, 500.00; Source Gas, se, 159.61; Payroll, 1566.21; Transfers, 20000.00
SALES TAX: To General; 1962.84; To General; 1019.64
STREET: ERPPD, se, 1540.36; Elgin One Stop, su, 231.77; Verizonwireless, su, 17.02; Bank of Elgin, loan, 875.05; Source Gas, se, 84.05; The Station, su, 187.30; Bomgaars, su, 185.71; Menards, su, 76.98; Corner Service & Tire, se, 16.00 ; Payroll, 1188.55
WATER: ERPPD, se, 647.38; NE Dept of Revenue, tax, 1581.67; Verizonwireless, su, 17.01; Great Plains Communications,  se, 88.30; ; US Post Office, su, 42.75 –NE Public Health Lab, se, 49.00 ; Elgin Review, su, 104.50; Municipal Supply, su, 168.55;  Sargent Drilling, se, 53682.21; DHHS, se, 143.41; One Call Concept, se, 12.75; Dean’s Market, su, 5.09; Carolyn Roberts Account, deposit, 75.00; Payroll, 2065.18
SEWER: ERPPD, se, 880.73; NE Department of Revenue, tax, 643.87;  Great Plains Communications, se, 44.68; Dean’s Market, su, 4.50; Midwest Labs, se, 386.01; NRWA, class, 75.00; One Call Concept, se, 12.75; Elgin Auto Parts, su, 5.79; NE Dept. of Envir. Quality, loan, 3497.41; Randy Henn, ex, 15.32; Payroll, 790.79
FIRE: ERPPD, se, 245.06; Great Plains Communications, se, 50.87; APPEARA, su, 26.42; Source Gas, se, 336.40; Elgin Insurance Services, se, 1797.00
POLICE: Antelope Co Sheriff, se, 2640.00; Safe N Secure, se, 321.75
TRASH PICKUP/RECYCLING: Bud’s Sanitary Service, se, 4557.00; Betty Moser, rent, 100.00; Rutjens Construction Inc, se, 1160.00
POOL: ERPPD, se, 28.98; Great Plains Communications, se, 116.33; APPEARA, su, 26.42; Dean’s Market, su, 34.26; Meyer Lab. Inc, su, 6231.10; In the Swim, su, 302.93; Elgin Review, se, 55.80; Source Gas, se, 23.72; Bank of Elgin, ex, 90.00
PARK: ERPPD, se, 439.06; NE Dept of Revenue, tax, 142.02;  Payroll, 241.80
LIBRARY: ERPPD, se, 58.05; Source Gas, se, 77.83; Amazon, bks, 227.41 ; Great Plains Communication, se, 68.25; Mad Science of Iowa, se, 320.00; Payroll, 923.89
YOUTH: St. Bon Ball Field Asso, rent, 1500.00
• City Attorney to draft an ordinance to prohibit certain dangerous breeds of dogs within the City Limits and require a license plan.
• Closing Maple Street for the “Lucky Ducky” race June 12th.
• Enter in closed session to discuss possible litigation at 8:37 p.m.
• Reconvene in public session at 8:44 p.m.
• Benny Taylor to research the project site for the Certificate as to Title.
• Baylie Shiltmeyer and Morgan Childers as sub guards and Zach Polk as sub manager
• Building permits for Randy Mitchell, LeRoy Behnk and Ron Beckman
• Elaine Meyers to Library Board
• Councilman Mackel to purchase two reasonably price light fixtures for Centennial Gardens
• Pool manager to hire sub guards as necessary
• Holding a Teen Night at the pool
• Manager wage at $12.00 per  hour, co-manager at $9.00 per hour, second year guards at $7.50, first year and sub guards at $7.25.
Discussions were held:
• Kennel license and tabled until the July meeting
• No dogs allowed in the park and tabled until the July meeting
• Status of dogs involved in the incident on May 27, 2013
• Sheriff’s Department spent 106 hours and 57 minutes in Elgin and there were 11 911 calls
• Failure to pay drainage ditch payment
• ADA Policy Statement was tabled until the July meeting.
• Sterling Heights annexation was tabled until the July meeting
• Red Cross lessons starting in July and pool training on June 17th.
• Clerk attending Finance Conference June 19, 20 and 21, 2013.
• Insurance extension from last year’s hail storm.
• Quarterly arsenic report and Cross-Connection Control form will be mailed out with water bill the 1st of July.
• Next regular meeting will be held on July 1, 2013
• Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
PUBLISH: June 12, 2013