Proceedings — District #18 Board of Education

Distance Learning Room, EPS
February 10, 2016   7:30 PM
President Steve Heithoff called the regular February Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  Board members present were Stan Heithoff, Steve Heithoff, Bob Hoefer, Doug Jones, Laurie Waterbury, and Steve Busteed.  Also present were Superintendent Dan Polk and Principal Greg Wemhoff,
President Heithoff led the “Pledge of Allegiance.”  Heithoff reminded everyone that a copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Law was posted in the meeting room.
School board meeting notice complied with Meeting Notice Policy #204.07.
Stan Heithoff motioned and Doug Jones second to approve the Consent Agenda: #5- Minutes of Previous Meeting, #6- Adopt the Agenda, #7- Financial Report, #8- Board Bills. Motion carried, vote 6-0.
Appeara, Maintenance, $172.66; Binswanger Glass, Maintenance, $363.00; Central Fire & Safety, Maintenance, $170.50; Central NE Rehab, SpEd Expense; $854.20; CVA, Maintenance; $225.09; Corner Service, Transportation, $75.00; Dean’s Market, Instru Expense; $81.33, Maintenance; $38.52; ESU #8, $10,727.62; Elgin One Stop, Transportation, $1,118.73; Elgin Review, Board Expense, $64.43, $487.00; Elite Office Products, Business Expense; $156.57; Follett, Instru Expense, $503.08; Island Supply, Instru Expense, $416.22; Jerry’s Feed, Business Expense, $13.49; Kittelson, Jim, Maintenance; $190.00; Midwest Floor Spec., Maintenance, $207.90; MSM Enterprises, SpEd Expense, $954.85; NASB, Board Expense, $495.00; NE Leadership Conf., High Ability, $150.00; Olson’s Pest Tech., Maintenance, $85.00; Precision Repair, Transportation, $640.69; Reimbursement, $4,016.18; Thompson Co., Maintenance; $203.00; Time Management, Business Expense, $742.50; Verizon Wireless, Business Expense, $357.42.
Total Board Bills: $23,509.98
January Payroll: $191,217.33
Total Board Bills/ Payroll: $214,727.31
President Heithoff amended the agenda to have the principal’s report at this time.  Mrs. Dianne Gunderson and her first grade students, Justice Blecher, Kierstyn Eisenhauer, and Gemma Miller, demonstrated some editing work that have been doing on their ipads.
Principal Wemhoff reported that NeSA writing tests were completed.  There has been a problem with the state system and the results will probably be nullified.  The teachers attended an inservice by the ESU 8 on January 14nd and a ½ day inservice on February 1st regarding the six tenets of AQuESTT.
There was no correspondence.  President Heithoff distributed the board committee assignments.   He also reviewed the board goals that were discussed at the board retreat.
Supt. Polk reported on upcoming projects and the interview process for hiring new teachers.
In action items, Laurie Waterbury motioned and Stan Heithoff second to approve the principal’s contract for Greg Wemhoff.  Vote 6-0, motion carried.
Discussion was held on eliminating some fundraising and requiring community service hours for graduation.  Jones motioned and Steve Busteed second to add graduation requirements that all high school students are required to complete 5 hours of community service for each semester at Elgin High School, up to 40 hours.  The students are required to turn in their hours prior to the conclusion of the current school year.  The process and tracking of this requirement will be the responsibility of the principal and/or his designee, and hours must be pre-approved.  Vote 6-0, motion carried.
Busteed motioned and Bob Hoefer second to approve the teaching contract of Becky Lindgren for 2016-17 school year.  Vote 6-0, motion carried.
Waterbury motioned and Jones second to approve the early retirement applications of Shirley Thorberg and Dianne Gunderson.  Vote 6-0, motion carried.
Principal Wemhoff demonstrated an electronic display system that could be used in the gym to showcase alumni composite pictures and sports memorabilia in a more preservable form.  Stan Heithoff motioned and Bob Hoefer second to approve the purchase of a 55” electronic display system for alumni photos in the amount of $11,826.00.  Vote 6-0, motion carried.
Motion by Waterbury and second by Jones to adjourn the meeting.  All voted aye.  Motion carried.  The meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m.
The next meeting will held on March 9, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. in the Distance Learning Room at Elgin Public School
Respectfully submitted,
Doug Jones, Secretary
Paula Jensen, Recorder
-This is a draft copy and does not become official Elgin Public Board minutes until approved at the next regular or advertised meeting.
PUBLISH: February 17, 2016