Proceedings — Antelope County Board of Supervisors

Neligh, Nebraska
December 9, 2014
Notice of meeting published as required by statute.
A complete record of these minutes as well as all resolutions and agreements are on file at the County Clerk’s office and are open to the public.
Those responding to roll call: Kerkman, Baker, Henery and Schwager.  Bolling, Brandt and Williby absent.
Reviewed the Auditors findings regarding the County Attorney’s office.
Tabled the decision on the re-hire of two former employees.
Reviewed various offices fee reports.
Reviewed correspondence.
Approved the following claims for payment. We, the Committee on Claims, report that we have examined and approved for payment the following claims: GENERAL FUND: AG & Industrial Equip, ex, 1795.00; Melvin Ahlers, ps, 24.00; American Legion Post 172, ex, 100.00; AMH Family Practice, ex, 101.00; Antelope Co Sheriff, ex, 236.30; Antelope Co Court, ex, 347.00; Clerk of the Dist Court, ex, 177.00; Antelope Memorial Hospital, ex, 146.00; Appeara, ex, 81.60; AS Central Finance, ex, 527.60; Gordon Baker, ps, 72.00; Larry Baker, mlg, 33.04; Norma Black, ex, 7.25; LeRoy Blecher, ps, 36.00; Bomgaars, ex, 87.96; Robert Bowen, ex, 900.00; Eleanor Brady, ps, 25.00; Harlan Brandt, mlg, 3.36; Dean Brown, ps, 25.00; Carney Law, ex, 3253.38; Casey’s, ex, 509.08; Cash, Wa Distributing, ex, 644.40; Neligh City, ut, 3563.03; Clearwater Record, ex, 707.90; Council Holding Co, ex, 200.00; Creighton News, ex, 441.75; Cubby’s, 704.23; Dean’s Mkt, ex, 100.32; Dollar General, ex, 187.90; Douglas Co Treasurer, ex, 250.00; Dugan Busines, ex, 443.04; Dusty’s, ex, 60.00; Eakes Office Plus, ex, 140.93; Electronic Systems, ex, 45.00; Elgin One Stop, ex, 430.80; Elite Office Products, ex, 828.99; Environmental Systems, ex, 400.00; Floor Maintenance, ex, 163.24; Frontier Communications, ut, 2684.12; G&B Sprinklers, ex, 120.00; Ruth Gibbs, ps, 6.00; Darlene Good, ex, 7.25; Tessa Hain, ex, 30.00; Charles Henery, mlg, 74.48; Max Hieter, ps, 72.00; Plainview News, ex, 547.69; Hilltop Drug, ex, 68.18; Nadene Hughes, ps, 14.00; Jack’s Uniforms, ex, 220.79; Reynold Johnson, ps, 48.00; Frank Kamphaus, ps, 16.00; LeRoy Kerkman, mlg, 16.24; Marjorie Lichty, ex, 7.25; Willetta Lindsay, ex, 33.96; Norma Lundquist, ex, 7.25; Matthew Bender, ex, 117.13; Mary Ann McKillip, ex, 7.25; Microfilm Imaging, ex, 128.00; MIPS, ex, 404.56; Mr S’s, ex, 139.50; N&B Gas, ut, 60.00; Nebr Assn of Co Officials, ex, 120.00; Nebr Emergency Service, ex, 90.00; NE Health & Human Ser, ex, 186.00; Nebr Weed Control Assn, ex, 210.00; Neligh News, ex, 1178.38; NE Research & Extension, ex, 20.59; Office Depot, ex, 101.99; Orchard News, ex, 42.15; Orval’s Auto, ex, 91.05; Donna Payne, ps, 25.00; Antelope Co Clerk, petty cash, 10.00; Antelope Co Sheriff, petty cash, 8.50; Pinnacle Bank, ex, 534.25; Pitney Bowes, ex, 4000.00; Donald Poulsen, ps, 72.00; Precision Rpr, ex, 42.44; Proforma, ex, 216.93; Protex Central, ex, 100.00; Ramada Inn, ex, 132.00; Reliable Office , ex, 80.43; Royal One Stop, ex, 70.50; Jerald Schwager, ex, 13.44; Nebr Secretary of State, ex, 20.00; Shell Fleet, ex, 762.07; Caroline Siems, ps, 25.00; Source Gas, ut, 480.90; Stratton, Delay, Doele, ex, 744.60; Thriftway Mkt, ex, 857.41; Tilden Citizen, ex, 731.00; US Cellular, ut, 364.88; Verizon , ut, 45.00; Wanek Pharmacy, ex, 1070.22; Bonita Welke, ps, 22.00; James Wilcox, ps, 72.00; Rod Wilke, mlg, 114.02; Willies Ser, ex, 43.57
ROAD & BRIDGE: (Brunswick Area) Bazile Aggregate, ex, 467.00; Bomgaars, ex, 49.28 Frontier Communications, ut, 75.78; Green Line Equip, ex, 228.34; Key Sanitation, ut, 18.00; Kumm Gas, ex, 1801.95; N& B Gas, ut, 351.15; Nebr Machinery, ex, 143.83; North Central Public Power, ut, 199.64; Quality Iron & Metal, ex, 375.37; Road Builders, ex, 4461.43; Brunswick Village, ut, 37.50; Don Zegers Contracting, ex, 773.50
(Orchard Area) Bomgaars, ex, 107.84; Duane’s Upholstery, ex, 45.00; Dusty’s, ex, 144.47; Farmer’s Pride, ex, 3600.65; Frontier Communications, ut, 63.62; Green Line Equip, ex, 316.02; Kimball Midwest, ex, 210.38; Lazy T Tire, ex, 88.22; North Central Public Power, ut, 342.37; Royal One Stop, ex, 142.00; Murphy Tractor, ex, 2344.40; Source Gas, ut, 160.60; T, J’s Corner, ex, 221.03 (Clearwater Area) Bomgaars, ex, 15.48; Elkhorn Rural Power, ut, 116.19; Green Line Equip, ex, 129.00; Lichtenberg Tire, ex, 2160.98; Mitteis Gravel, ex, 259.13; Neligh Auto & Machine, ex, 10.58; Nebr Machinery, ex, 801.79; Farmer’s Pride, ex, 2271.54; NE Nebr Telephone, ut, 50.77; Pollock Redi Mix, ex, 2879.85; Shell Fleet, ex, 238.31; Source Gas, ut, 46.12; Clearwater Village, ut, 53.50
(Neligh Area) Bomgaars, ex, 41.36; Cubby’s, ex, 143.82; Farmer’s Pride, ex, 1635.62; Frontier Communications, ut, 60.24; Lichtenberg Tire, ex, 2266.98; Road Builders, ex, 1197.13 (Tilden Area) Ag & Industrial Equip, ex, 349.62; Black Hills Energy, ut, 52.75; Bomgaars, ex, 27.46; Carhart Lumber, ex, 15.15; Constellation Energy, ut, 230.36; Darren’s Ser, ex, 221.33; Frontier Communications, ut, 60.39; Lichtenberg Tire, ex, 3366.00; Mr S’s, ex, 105.35; Nebr Public Power, ut, 154.50; Sapp Bros, ex, 1143.00 (Oakdale Area) Bomgaars, ex, 56.64; Farmer’s Pride, ex, 1911.68; Great Plains Communications, ut, 80.31; H&K Fertilizer, ex, 95.00; Mr S’s, ex, 229.62; Nebr Public Power, ut, 37.39; Pollock Redi Mix, ex, 89.26; Quality Iron & Metal, ex, 2267.90; Source Gas, ut, 34.77; David Totten, ex, 57.50; Murphy Tractor, ex, 428.83; Nebr Machinery, ex, 108.05 (Elgin Area) Elgin Auto Parts, ex, 115.16; Elkhorn Rural Power, ut, 83.11; Great Plains Communications, ut, 49.04; Green Line Equip, ex, 330.02; Nebr Machinery, ex, 172.06; Pollock Redi Mix, ex, 1310.03; Sapp Bros, ex, 2000.80; The Station, ex, 502.18 (At Large) Appeara, ex, 154.88; Beaver Bearing, ex, 754.21; Bomgaars, ex, 913.56; Cubby’s, ex, 74.70; Elkhorn Rural Power, ut, 100.29; Farmer’s Pride, ex, 3540.04; Green Line Equip, ex, 303.82; Jason Hoefer Trucking, ex, 539.80; Island Supply, ex, 165.00; JEO Consulting, ex, 3018.00; Jonny Dodge, ex, 1319.63; Largen Mfg, ex, 285.00; Lichtenberg Tire, ex, 957.42; Martin Marietta Materials, ex, 842.08; Medical Enterprises, ex, 10.00; Mr S’s, ex, 150.39; Nebr Safety Center, ex, 645.00; OK Auto, ex, 10.44; Orval’s Auto, ex, 60.00; Quality Iron & Metal, ex, 33.50; RF Works, ex, 272.60; Road Guy Construction, ex, 1426.00; Royal One Stop, ex, 377.76; Rutjens Construction, ex, 1485.00; Shell Fleet Plus, ex, 1116.05; The Station, ex, 240.04; Curt Thiele, ex, 1230.00; 2M Auto, ex, 240.05
REAPPRAISAL FUND: Elite Office Products, ex, 177.60; Heather McWhorter, ex, 40.26; Reliable Office, ex, 152.47
BUILDING FUND: Beckman Lumber, ex, 2695.00; Brian Beckman Construction, ex, 1200.00; Certified Testing Serv, ex, 264.00; Flenniken Plumbing, ex, 50.00; Mike Kester, ex, 901.15; Matteo Sand & Gravel, ex, 1138.05; OK Concrete, ex, 2350.00; RaDec Construction, ex, 426,180.47; Tinsley Grain, ex, 501.47
GENERAL FUND PAYROLL: Total Wages, 68,953.86; WH, 8028.83; SS, 14,046.18; ST, 2843.50; Ameritas, ret, 10,855.98; Ameritas, ins, 2080.41; Garnishment, 426.93; AFLAC, ins, 98.54; Colonial, ins, 90.92; CoOportunity Health, ins, 42,377.29; 1st Concord Benefits, ins, 283.33; Madison National, ins, 868.48; Mid, American Benefits, ins, 232.50; Washington National, ins, 399.30
ROAD & BRIDGE PAYROLL: Total Wages, 38,985.18; WH, 3982.80; SS, 7887.96; ST, 1362.18; Ameritas, ret, 5966.84; Ameritas, ins, 1060.86; AFLAC, ins, 337.49; Colonial, ins, 64.80; CoOportunity, ins, 23,279.07; 1st Concord, ins, 208.13; Garnishment, 742.19; Madison National, ins, 459.12; Mid, American Benefits, ins, 135.00; Washington National, ins, 24.90
Approved paying the 2nd half of the Nebraska Association of County Officials dues.
Meeting adjourned.
Antelope County Board of Supervisors
Chairman of County Board
Attest: CAROLYN PEDERSEN /s/ Antelope County Clerk
PUBLISH: December 17, 2014