Proceedings — Antelope County Board of Supervisors

Neligh, Nebraska
August 6, 2013
Notice of meeting published as required by statute.
A complete record of these minutes as well as all resolutions and agreements are on file at the County Clerk’s office and are open to the public.
Those responding to roll call: Bolling, Brandt, Kerkman, Baker, Williby, Henery and Schwager.
Approved two conditional use permits.
Reviewed correspondence.
Approved the two requests from the Promotional Fund.
Appointed two representatives to the NE Nebraska Economic Development board.
Approved the Antelope Country Club Class C Liquor license.
Reviewed the District 7 Probation budget report for 2013/2014.
Tabled the packer bids until the August 13, 2013 meeting.
Sold the county pickup and car to the highest bidder.
Adopted the stop sign resolution stopping the east and westbound traffic at the intersection of 523 Avenue and 835 Road.
Adopted two speed limit resolutions changing the speed limit on 836 Road starting at the Highway 45 intersection and extending west 3 miles and 516 Avenue starting at the Highway 275 intersection and extending north 2.5 miles.
Authorized the chairman to sign the change order, final pay and recommendation of acceptance for the Old Mill Bridge.
Approved the permit to move structure.
Discussed permitting for large equipment on county roads.
Approved the county libraries funding agreements.
Reviewed various office reports.
No action taken on the Antelope County Historical Society new building.
No action taken on the road employee’s overtime.
Meeting adjourned.
Antelope County Board of Supervisors
Chairman of County Board
Attest: CAROLYN PEDERSEN /s/ Antelope County Clerk
PUBLISH: August 14, 2013