District #18 School Board to Meet Thursday Night


The District #18 Board of Education will meet Thursday night, Aug. 27, for a budget workshop session.

The meeting, open to the public, will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the distance learning room at the high school.

In addition, a number of other items are on the agenda for the second meeting in August. They are:

Action Items

• Elkhorn Rural Public Power

• CD Renewal

• Approve August Budget Expenditures

• Bid for Parking Lot Improvement

• Set the date for the 2009-2010 budget hearing

• Set the date for the 2009-2010 hearing to set the budget levy.

Discussion Items

• Part-time custodial position

• Summer maintenance update

Also, the board is scheduled to hear a report from Principal/Athletic Director Jimmy Feeney III.