Council Irked By Street Parking During Snow Cleanup

The Elgin City Council met for slightly more than an hour Monday night. When the meeting concluded, it appeared that they are going to be taking a tough stance regarding cars hindering snow removal on city streets.

During the maintenance report, Don Poulsen Jr. expressed frustration about cars being parked on the streets while efforts are being made to remove snow. He said when cars are parked on the streets, city employees have no choice but to go around the vehicles when moving snow. The vehicle owner is then left with a car or truck that is buried in a mound of snow.

Under the present city ordinance it is unlawful to park on city streets when a snowstorm dumps three or more inches of snow.

Depending on the amount of cooperation shown on the part of vehicle owners the rest of the snow season, the City Council will address the issue in April with the likelihood they will adopt a new ordinance which would give them the authority to tow vehicles which are not moved off the streets when a snow emergency is declared.


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