City Approves Annexation

Months in the making, the City of Elgin took a huge step forward last week in the annexation of lots located in the southwest corner of Elgin. Council members looked over the final plat drawing provided to them. The plat for the Meis Addition was deemed correct and ready for action.
Ben Meis, representing the family’s LLC,  explained that the four lots being annexed are located along South Mrytle street.  Meis said the proposed sewer lines would route “to the north rather than the east because the drainage is better”. Somewhere north, they (Meis) would like to tap in with the sewer line.
“As soon as I get enough confirmed from interested parties, before I lay that much money out there. We’ll do it right prior to that, but I would like to have confirmation by at least two people before I put that big of an expenditure,” Meis said. He told the council that any open land north of these four lots would have to be annexed in later. Following brief discussion by council members, the first reading of the annexation ordinance (Ordinance 637) was held.  Annexations are the one exception of when the three required readings of an ordinance can be waived. Therefore, two special meetings were held Friday and Monday (Sept. 12 & 15) mornings to complete the three readings and move ahead on the annexation.
Water Well Update
Mayor Mike Schmitt reported City Engineer John Zwingman sent the city an email informing them that Nebraska Health and Human Services (NHHS) and Nebraska Well Drillers approved the request from the city to help work on the west well.

For the complete story, see the print edition of The Elgin Review.