Invitation to Bid — Antelope County

Sealed Proposals for the construction of “2012 Neligh Mill Bridge Repair” for Antelope County, Nebraska, JEO Project No. 110207, will be received by the County Clerk at County Courthouse, Neligh, Nebraska, until 10:30 A.M. on the 8th day of January, 2013, and thereafter will be read aloud.
The work consists of constructing a causeway, removing the existing abutment, constructing a new pier, repairing and resetting the truss, embankment, and rip-rap placement.
Proposals will be taken for said construction work listed above by unit prices, as an aggregate bid for the entire project.
All Proposals for said construction work must be made on blanks furnished by the ENGINEER and must be accompanied by Bid Security of not less than 5% of the amount bid.  Bid Security to be made payable to the Treasurer of Antelope County as liquidated damages in case the bid is accepted and the bidder neglects or refuses, to enter into contract and furnish bond in accordance herewith.
Plans, Specifications and Bid Documents may be inspected at the office of the County Clerk, Neligh, Nebraska, and will be issued by JEO Consulting Group, Inc., PO Box 1424, 803 W Norfolk Avenue, Norfolk, Nebraska 68702, a payment of $50.00 to cover partial cost, none of which will be returned, needs to be paid prior to plans and specifications being sent out.  In order to bid the project, the plans and specifications must be issued directly by JEO Consulting Group, Inc. to the bidder.
The County Board Chairperson and County Board reserves the right to waive informalities and irregularities and to make awards on bids which furnish the materials and construction that will, in their opinion serve the best interests of Antelope County, and also reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids.
DATED THIS 11th DAY OF December, 2013
NEBRASKA        LEROY KERKMAN, Chairperson
County Clerk
Publish: December 19 and 26, 2012 and January 2, 2013