Proceedings — Elgin City Council

Emergency Meeting Proceedings
May 5, 2015
An emergency meeting was held on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. at the Elgin City Hall.
The purpose of the emergency meeting was to discuss the results of the test hole dug earlier today.
Mayor Schmitt called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. and announced the location of the Open Meeting Act.
Councilmen present were Jim Kittelson, Duane Miller and Don Mackel.  Mike Dvorak was unable to attend the meeting.
Also present was Vick S. Miller, Don E. Poulsen, Randy Henn and City Engineer John Zwingman.
Discussion was held regarding the finding of a water source approximately 350-380 feet deep.
Susan Lackey had electronically logged all the information.
Doug Yancy with Sargent felt that the source could possibly pump 300-400 gallons per minute.
City Engineer Zwingman stated that the Council needed to decide if we wanted to proceed with a test well.
Zwingman explained that water quality could not be found out unless there was a test well installed to pump the water out for sampling.
The cost for the test hole was approximately $7,000.00 and the estimated cost to turn the test hole into a test well would be approximately $28,000.00.
A motion was made by Kittelson to proceed with a test well.  A second to the motion was made by Miller.  All members voted aye and the motion carried.  Dvorak was absent and not voting.
Zwingman stated that once the well was installed they would take a sample and do a basic scan for about $266.00.  If the results of the basic scan come back showing that everything is good another sample would be taken and sent in for a full scan which cost about $6,000.00.
It will take about 3 to 4 weeks to get the test well ready to pump.
There being no further business to come before the Elgin City Council, Mayor Schmitt declared the meeting adjourned.  The meeting ended at 1:30 p.m.
PUBLISH: May 13, 2015